Operation Wetback

trumpTuesday night, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump doubled down on his plan to deport the nearly 11 million immigrants illegally in the U.S. As an example that it could be done, Trump brought up a program instituted by President Dwight D. Eisenhower on June 9, 1954.

Trump said Eisenhower “moved immigrants just beyond the border; they came back. Moved them again beyond the border; they came back. Didn’t like it. Moved them way south; they never came back. Dwight Eisenhower. You don’t get nicer, you don’t get friendlier.”

The program Trump referenced was named “Operation Wetback.” The racial epithet was widely used at the time.

Since the Viet Nam era, and with over three decades enforcing immigration laws set by congress , the 1986 IRCA Amnesty Fraud Filled Fiasco and numerous extensions well beyond the 90s, leadership failures in D.C. was apparent , Presidents from JFK to Bush were not concerned with immigration enforcement as a vital part of national security. Bush’s statement that anyone who can cross the Rio Grande is welcome encouraged mass illegal immigration in 2003 despite the war in Iraq. With Obama’s policies on legal and illegal immigration, 8 USC 1324 human trafficking felony and 8 USC 1326, felony re-entry after deportation have not been a priority during his administration.

In 2010, The National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers who spent their careers on the Canadian and Mexican Borders , Florida , Gulf Coast, Puerto Rico and foreign lands presented… A Proposal for Comprehensive Immigration Enforcement and Reform. 24 pages of facts and nine steps to restore sanity on the issue of twenty to thirty million illegal aliens in county. NAFBPO Does not contemplate nor encourage massive waves of arrests and deportations. A proper application of social pressures will cause millions to depart on their own. To create those pressures , illegal aliens must be denied access to jobs , public benefits , sources of identification (particularly driver’s licenses ) vehicle registrations, mortgages and loans from federally- insured institutions and tuition assistance at public facilities.

Step 1. Secure our Borders . We cannot have national security or sovereignty without a secure border.

Step 2. Interior Enforcement. Vigorously enforce employer sanctions. Seek out and remove any aliens found illegally in the U.S. Not Just Criminals. Investigate and prosecute those who commit immigration fraud , including United States Citizens and lawfully admitted aliens.

Step 3. Enforce all existing laws and use other existing tools , employer sanctions, Section 287(g) authority for state and municipal officers to make immigration arrests.

Step 4. Identification Fraud, implement the Real ID Act, HR 98 dealing with Fraudulent documents and use.

Step 5. Temporary Worker Program. A TWP may be implemented after demonstration of a secure border and proof of an effective employer sanctions program.

Step 6. Amnesty. Widespread problems with the 1986 Amnesty should have taught this nation that fraud was endemic to the entire process.

Step 7. What to do with illegals here now. A large number of those here illegally, depending on their individual circumstances will qualify for administrative relief that will allow them to stay under existing law. As to the others , they do not belong here -they came without invitation or permission and we owe them nothing but humane treatment and a speedy departure.

Step 8.Immigration Legislation. The United States largely has the Immigration Laws it needs. Most of the current noise about immigration reform comes from groups whose sympathies lie with their ethnic brethren from abroad and from employers who continue to want cheap, tractable labors, just as they have since the Chinese were brought over to build the railroads.

Step 9. Other Matters. The Border is an increasingly violent place. There is a threat of encounters with heavily armed smugglers and para- military units using military style tactics and weapons as they smuggle drugs and people from Mexico. The U.S. needs to consider every available asset available to maintain the integrity of our borders. Currently, it appears that the highest levels of the Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection lack the inclination to meet the threats directly , with whatever force is necessary. Instead they are willing to surrender U.S. territory to criminal gangs. Signs along the border cautioning people against entering large areas of the United States including some national parks monuments, offer sad proof of that statement. That must change ;the U.S. must never concede one foot of our territory.

These are just a few important points from a six year old booklet to NAFBPO members in 2010 which was presented in a series of editorials on the need for vigorous control of illegal immigration and how various U.S. Administrations have failed to meet that need. In 2016, Immigration, the economy and national security once again is a major issue in politics. Politicians have largely ignored professional law enforcement opinions for decades regarding immigration laws. There’s no wonder the system is broken.

Donald Trump who has the support of thousands of active duty U.S. Border Agents , national council has at least been consistent on a need for stricter enforcement of the immigration laws and national security. In 1954, immigration laws were by the books, enforced to the letter and reentry after deportation 8 USC 1326 ended many Mafia organized crime Gangster’s careers in this nation. Eisenhower’s Operation Wetback was very effective according to surviving USBP members of that mission, however unlike today, there was not 20 to 30 million illegal aliens stateside. A large majority were self deporting and returned to Mexico after the airlift program commenced. Human smugglers also received maximum jail time under 8 USC 1324. Interior enforcement of immigration laws was also in effect in all major cities. What a concept ! Although Walls can not be built along the entire southern Border due to terrain, in many problem areas including San Diego and Nogales, walls have been proven effective.

As an Independent Conservative Constitutional voter if such an title exists, with full knowledge of the corrupt policies of both political parties which are contrary to the will of the people, my last vote in my lifetime for a President will be Donald Trump with no regrets.

August 23, 2016

~ The Author ~
the_borderJohn Slagle, has been a long-time reader and frequent contributor to The Federal Observer, and spent over 32 years defending this nation and was on duty September 11, 2001 at HQ Intelligence. After retirement in 2002, returning to his home in Arizona, the borders were over-run with illegals, death was an everyday occurrence, the Mexican Military was escorting narcotics shipments and shooting at our Border Patrol Agents. When Park Ranger Kris Eggle was murdered in an international incident involving Mexican Hit men, narcotics smugglers at Lukeville and politicians with the exception of Colorado Congressman Tancredo ignored the problem. The same situation existed with mainstream media. Even a load of illegal aliens whose vehicle was riddled with Mexican military machine gun fire was not worthy of attention.

Like many people, he tried to contact elected officials on the problems, and received standard form replies in return. Finally, he had enough and wrote ILLEGAL ENTRIES which is now published and shows three decades on the Borders, and how politicians have created the problems in illegal immigration from 1972 to 2004. Like many of his partners, some who were killed enforcing immigration laws, Amnesty for lawbreakers is a “kick in the face” to our honored dead. As a longtime conservative, he will not vote or support any elected official whose interests are not for U.S. Citizens or lawfully admitted resident aliens.

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