Juntti: Who is the Real Thief?

November 8, 2010 ~ Right now the great Obama is traveling in a style no other president has EVER traveled in – he is over in India and other nations – dancing and clapping as he promotes more off shoring of American jobs to them. He calls his massive date night/vacation trip a TRADE TRIP. Yup – he is TRADING AMERICA for the pat on the back from his global handlers. He is TRADING American jobs for American unemployment and apple Annie corners in the big cities. There isn’t going to be any American *money* to purchase the goods or services he is sending to India and other nations. That isn’t a TRADE – it is a GIVE AWAY.

I have been thinking about this topic off and on – the offshoring of jobs that should be here in America for Americans – the tax breaks the corporations get for offshoring and then the tax breaks (not to mention CHEAPER WAGES) they get for IMPORTING foreign labor. All this results in a LOSS for American workers as well as the loss of manufacturing of AMERICAN MADE GOODS.

Again, this is ALL due to the interference of Government into the PRIVATE SECTOR.

When the tax code was changed to allow for the offshoring of jobs, America lost jobs, as well as the Tax BASE for those plants that moved offshore. It brought about the RUST BELT – the rusting manufacturing plants across America. Buildings left empty to rust away. What we got in return is poor quality goods – and then came the poisoned or chemically laden goods that cause illness and death for Americans.

Many of us – myself included – rant daily about the ILLEGALS being used to fill jobs because they will work cheaper and many times under the table – resulting in the loss of jobs for Americans. This, in many cases, also results in a huge loss of tax revenue because the employment taxes aren’t being paid for those day laborers. That increases the taxes the rest of us have to pay. Since Government refuses to STOP SPENDING they keep raising taxes to cover their bad decisions and bad management.

Now ask yourself this question: WHO BENEFITS BY THIS ACTIVITY? and this one: WHO LOSES BY THIS ACTIVITY?

The ones who benefit long term are those intent upon the destruction of the American FREEDOM and way of life. That would be the Globalists who want NO BORDERS and a slave population.

Who Loses? Americans in general. Due to the actions in government, we have lost jobs, tax bases, actual structures due to not being used and maintained, all of which create an increase in the welfare programs and the increased taxes by those still able to pay taxes to make up for the lost tax revenue created by the ones who moved offshore.


The deferral clause has been in the tax code for more than half a century and has outlasted numerous reform efforts. In April 1961, even as U.S.-backed rebels were dying at Cuba’s Bay of Pigs, President Kennedy asked Congress to rewrite tax provisions that “consistently favor United States private investment abroad compared with investment in our own economy.”

We can sit here and blame the ILLEGALS and those employers still here on American soil who hire the ILLEGALS but lets peel back the layers and get to who is really responsible…. THE POLITICIANS WHO CREATED THE TAX DEFERRALS and KEEP THEM IN PLACE. The politicians who allow the Corporate Greedmasters to write the legislation that brought this about to begin with.

We need to pressure those who are sent to WDC to *represent* us to repeal that deferral clause in the Tax Code. Not *reform* it – but REPEAL IT!!! Reform to a politician simply means to add more layers of gobbledegook to bad legislation. REPEAL is the only solution to resolve the mess.

We need to grab the family jewels of every politician in office at all levels. SQUEEZE TIGHT until they not only HEAR what we are telling them but they perform as AMERICANS instead of toadies for the OWO Globalists. No more TALK – no more campaign promises or pledges – we want ACTUAL ACTION TO TAKE PLACE that benefits ALL AMERICANS not Corporate or Political greed masters.

Perhaps if every state would institute a “NONE OF THE ABOVE” on every ballet position – we could vote them OUT and then start over. That would CLEAN THE HOUSE AND SENATE providing we voters made sure that the entire method of voting is returned to paper ballots and hand counting with witnesses in the open. Eliminate all the corrupted computerized machines. Our elections have been infected for a couple decades now.

The real thieves when it comes to decent paying jobs for Americans sits right on the desks of CONGRESS. If those elected would crawl out from under their Corporate beds and become AMERICAN REPRESENTATIVES and fulfill their Oath of Office – we could bring back the manufacturing plants, return America to the country it was when Americans didn’t have to sleep on streets in boxes waiting for the soup kitchen to open to feed their kids. We wouldn’t have ILLEGALS coming here because the LAWS on Immigration would be enforced by EVERYONE – including government and those employers who know they won’t be punished at this time.

As I say – the real enemy lies within – it is GOVERNMENT. It is the fault of each American who did little if anything to monitor what those elected were really doing. Every time we purchase an item that is made other than in America we are contributing to the destruction of America. I know it has reached the point of almost impossible to buy AMERICAN MADE but if we really want to we CAN CHANGE that. The question here is – Do enough of us have the desire and energy to make that change take place?

Do you want to contribute to the wages of foreign CEO’s, workers, materials, or do you want to participate in forcing the politicians to repeal all legislation they created that have stolen the jobs of Americans? So far too many have followed the Hallmark saying of – Care enough to SEND your very best….. to other countries and foreign workers. We need to change that saying to Care Enough to SAVE your very best.

Many of us experience anger when we see the ILLEGALS on street corners or hear Spanish being spoken in work places. I know I do. I am not angry at the individual – I am ANGRY at the Government that created this situation and the government that REFUSES to do anything to resolve it.

If every one who reads this would try this little experiment – Every time you see someone you suspect is an ILLEGAL – or you read or hear reports of ILLEGALS – picture in your mind the Politicians who create, encourage, aid and abet, the LOSS OF AMERICAN EQUITY by the legislation they allow the Corporate Lobbyists to write and then the Politician introduces it and pushes it to become *law*.

Let’s do more than send each other emails – talk – complain – – – Let’s grab the family jewels of all politicians who have failed to uphold their oath of office – who ignore our voices – who refuse to enforce the basic laws of America. If you want to WIN this Battle then you are going to have to ACT. You are going to have to do far more than you have so far (most of you – exceptions noted for those who have and continue to hit the ground of offices of the real thieves).

Would you allow the THIEVES to enter your home and do to your home and family what they are doing to this nation? It is the same thing, my friends, the same thing. When they created the tax deferral they took your source of income – when they brought in foreign workers (all those visa’s) they raped your children. They have stolen your savings by printing paper bills (and they ARE “BILLS” – IOU’s to foreign governments). Now they are kicking you and your family out of your homes. Go after the REAL THIEVES and hang ’em from the nearest tall tree. No more *dusting* – let’s really CLEAN HOUSE.

We aren’t beaten until we no longer breathe. Read the Doctrine of the Three Percent. If you aren’t actively standing with me then I take it you are against me so that makes you part of the enemy I am fighting against.

~ The Author ~
Jackie Juntti (Granny) is a daily reader and frequent contributor to Kettle Moraine Publications. She can be reached for comment at idzrus@earthlink.net.

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